
Particle Wave Duality:

Particles popping in and out of dimensions.

Quantum tunneling:

Particles traveling directly thru solid matter. For example. Nuclear fusion between hydrogen atoms is only possible when quantum tunneling into each other which then creates things like sunlight


Spinning both directions at once. For example. An MRI machine causes this to happen to allow us to see inside people’s bodies.

The Eminent Double Slip Diffraction Experiment:

Reveals that classical physics is incomplete.


The particles faster than light. Zodiac style code bytes present only present at your individual time and place of birth and emitted by all stars and planets.


“The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind.” – Dr. William James

Dr. Masaru Emoto Thought In Water Evidence

Dominic Walliman – Quantum Physics for 7-year-olds

Ra Uru Hu The Human Design System

What is happening to your cells and why…

“Molecules of Emotion”  Candace Pert, P.H.D.

The Pineal Gland and how it’s being manipulated…

“Fire in The Minds of Men” – James Billington


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